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AR for learning shapes
Around is an augmented reality (AR) game that helps learners with autism spectrum disorder recognize shapes in real life. The technology accommodates learners to stay engaged in an learning environment that is more relevant and fun.
Main Achievements

TED Talk ( How AR can help autistic children? 2018)


ISTE 2018 1-in-3 Session Talk


2018 Games for Change Festival, Mini-Talk

The Problem
Children with autism have a disconnect with the real world and are unable to
apply abstract concepts to real-life because of difficulty of generalizing information.
Our Solution
When players navigate their space with an iPad, augmented reality (AR) technology identifies shapes in their surroundings. Through through interaction, learners are able to improve their understanding, knowledge and interaction with shapes in the real world.
Why shapes?
Shape recognition is a fundamental skill that transfers to math (geometry) and reading (recognizing letters and words), and therefore is an essential to learning.
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Prototype &
User Testing
Developed prototypes were tested at a partner special education school in New York. ​
  • Students were able to use AR technology (USABILITY),
  • Students stayed engaged on the iPad (ENGAGEMENT), and
  • Students were motivated to continue playing (REPLAY).
  • Teachers thought it would be a useful tool that makes learning more relevant to students. 
Improvement Points
  • Teachers wanted more instruction on how they can implement it into their lesson plan. Teachers wanted more options to customize experience to fit the different needs of students.
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